Uganda’s Catholic Bishops Promote Homophobia in their Easter Message

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Once again we have entered a valley of tears with the Church Leadership of Uganda. In their Easter message they praised the Uganda government for passing the anti-gay law, thereby helping rid Uganda of homosexuals.

Gay children are being used by them as pawns in a hate filled act that can only be described as anti-family.

The stage is being set for open genocide in a country know for such actions while Pope Francis sits on his hands and refuses to publically address these sins of homophobia. Perhaps rather than focusing on elevating Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II to sainthood, both popes reigned over the clergy sexual abuse scandal, he should address the Uganda and Kenya Catholics Bishops lover affair with hate.

We stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Uganda and are calling on the Senator Dick Durban to move towards a boycott of Uganda. What is happening in Uganda is as bad as what is happening in the Ukraine.

Sue Smith
Rainbow Sash Movement

About Rainbow Sash Movement

Trying to live faith by the Gospels, not frail men.
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