Catholic Homophobia is now irrelevant in the Marriage Equality Debate

USCCB Subcommittee Chairman Calls Decisions in Oregon and Pennsylvania Travesties of Justice

  • Archbishop Cordileone says marriage, democracy, children deserve better
  • Says state attorneys general were derelict in their duties
  • Reiterates that authentic marriage is the union of one man and one woman

WASHINGTON–Responding to the ruling by the federal court in Oregon striking down the state’s voter-approved marriage amendment and the ruling by the federal court in Pennsylvania striking down portions of that state’s domestic relations code, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, said, “We stand in solidarity with the Oregon and Pennsylvania Catholic Conferences and all the people of both states. These court decisions are travesties of justice.”

Once again the Church leadership get entangled in the world of Power and reactionary politics. The US Council of Catholic Bishops over the years have proved to be unreasonable and bigoted in their response to LGBT Civil Rights. Pope Francis is right to try to return such leadership’s focus from intolerance to the Gospel of Poverty.

Homophobia, ignorance and error were rampant in the guise of pastoral concern for the homosexual person. Attempts at such ministry were tied to promoting the Church’s hostile position against the Civil Rights of LGBT people with Gay Marriage being the epicenter.

Men such as Cordileone and Francis George of Chicago have used their respective concern to promote hate against LGBT People instead of following the mind and heart of Jesus Christ in promoting love of neighbor.

In state after state where the Bishops have been forced into  the public square and held accountable for what they say and how they say it they have lost the reasonable high ground. The Rainbow Sash Movement believes such men are not worthy to doll out the sacraments and should be held accountable for their public clericalism in the guise of homophobia when it comes to Gay Rights

Currently we believe there is a moral reassessment of the Church’s value system underway not in terms of truth but rather behavior.

The Church’s  issue of Divorce and Remarriage and priestly celibacy will begin the Reform Synod on the Family that will take place in October. Clearly the Synod is shaping up to be about reform, and not cosmetic PR moves.

The Papal System has never had Christ at the its center when it entangled itself in the world of power, fiancé, and divisive sectarian  politics. Pope Francis is trying to refocus our attention on all are welcome, and promoting the preaching of a demanding Gospel to a resistant Church, that coupled with the moral ambiguity of the Church when it comes to living in this world. Secularism is not the enemy, but rather a patient ally of both Church and State.

We must speak the truth to power and authority within the Church when those in leadership try to turn our gaze towards the world of Power and Wealth and away from Christ.

This why the Rainbow Sash Movement believes the US Conference of Catholic Bishops have lost the moral high ground in the debate on Gay Marriage and therefore the debate. We claim victory in the darkness of Church sponsored homophobia. The USCCB is no longer a significant part of the debate. Their views will be put in the dustbin of history, and recognized as bigotry pure and simple.

Bill O’Connor
Rainbow Sash Movement

About Rainbow Sash Movement

Trying to live faith by the Gospels, not frail men.
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