Roman Catholic Holy Communion Wars

Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, known for his fundamentalism, and an example of what Pope Francis was talking about when he remarked some in the Church obsess over judgementalism, has decided to deny Holy Communion to Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois for supporting a woman’s right to choose, and gay marriage.

The Bishop said in an email he sent out that “Senator Durbin was informed several years ago by his pastor at Blessed Sacrament Parish here in Springfield that he was not permitted to receive Holy Communion per canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law,” Paprocki wrote. “My predecessor upheld that decision and it remains in effect. It is my understanding that the senator is complying with that decision here in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.”

Canon 915 states that those who are “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” So supporting civil rights is now a grave sin. What screwed up logic is this? I might add this is the same character that went on a homophobic tirade over the fact that members of the Rainbow Sash Movement wanted to pray for Gay Marriage in his Cathedral. This Cannon has been the epee center of a disputed between the majority of Bishops and minority of fundamentalist among their number.

Some prelates argue that denying politicians Communion turns the Eucharist into a political “weapon.” However the legalist among them believe all who do not support the Church’s Teaching should be denied communion. This puts the onus not only the celebrant of the Mass to do so but also lay Eucharistic Ministers.

The Bishops of England and Wales refused to allow the Eucharist as did the German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Bishops to be used as such a political tool.

U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke has been the most prominent promoter of this action.

However the leader of the Illinois Conference of Catholic Bishops is clearly at odds with both Cardinal Burk and Paprocki . But Cardinal George is not known for his consistency in this matter since he denies communion to members of the Rainbow Sash Movement.

The Church continues to look like a 3 ring circus to most reasonable people no wonder so many in the Church are voting with their feet and wallets.

Jack Anderson
Rainbow Sash Movement

About Rainbow Sash Movement

Trying to live faith by the Gospels, not frail men.
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